Travel Theme: Beaches

Wind Against Current

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Beaches.

Walking out onto the beach at dawn

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or relaxing on it at sunset

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the beach is a magical place…

But as kayakers, we look on beaches with a practical eye. And there’s always something to complain about.

The beach might vanish underwater at high tide—

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or be painfully broad at low tide—

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Too steep—

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(full story is here)

Too rocky—

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or, on the contrary, too sandy (sugar-fine sand, no matter how magical it might be otherwise, gets in everything)—

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Too much surf—

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Too many people—

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But sometimes, just sometimes, we land on that perfect beach, not too narrow, not too broad, not too steep, with waves lapping gently on the soft sand, where we are alone, where the dusk and dawn are truly magical…

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