Project 365 – Day 229: Chinatown street sale

Montreal in Pictures

August 16 2012

On my way to Old Montreal at lunchtime to order some prints I passed through Chinatown where there was a small sales event  along rue de la Gauchetière. With stalls set up selling all kinds of merchandise the narrow pedestrianized street was busier than normal.

Half way along I noticed this old guy sitting at a small table with a sign next to it advertising that his name was Tom Mon and he was a top ten future teller with 60 years of experience – I never realized there was a ranking of future tellers 😉

This final image was disappointing in that not only the subject has his head down (the other shot I took had him with his eyes closed) but also the focus isn’t very crisp. I decided to post anyway because of the sign explaining what Dragon Beard Candy is:

«This unusual candy…

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